STRONG-HF study results demonstrate clear benefits for acute heart failure patients

Roche announced publication of the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Rapid Optimization of Heart Failure (STRONG-HF) study in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure. The study, which includes utilization of the Roche Elecsys NT-proBNP biomarker, was terminated early for superior efficacy in the active arm of the study versus the usual standard of care, as it was considered unethical to continue with usual care.

Implementing the study’s strategy in routine clinical practice, has the opportunity to significantly reduce all cause deaths or heart failure readmissions and increase quality of life for more heart failure patients, evaluated after six months, compared to current patient management practices. The results have been shared at the American Heart Association (AHA) Late-Breaking Scientific Session and published in the Lancet.

The STRONG-HF study outlines that guideline-recommended therapies for heart failure can be safely up-titrated at the end of an acute heart failure admission, and after discharge, under strict follow-up and assessment of signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure, renal function, potassium and Roche Elecsys NT-proBNP.

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