Acupuncture works as part of an integrative approach to cancer. Integrative oncology is patient-centered cancer care that uses mind and body practices, natural products, and lifestyle modifications alongside conventional cancer treatments.
The benefits of acupuncture for people with cancer include:
Relieving the side effects of cancer treatment
Acupuncture offers a natural remedy for side effects that may eliminate the need for narcotics or other medications. According to the National Cancer Institute, studies show acupuncture can relieve a wide range of symptoms associated with cancer treatments, including:
Dry mouth, caused by radiation therapy
Fatigue, common in many cancer patients and often a side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Hot flashes, associated with hormone therapy
Nausea and vomiting, caused by chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy
Pain, including postoperative pain and muscle and joint pain from hormone therapy
Peripheral neuropathy, a common side effect of chemotherapy that causes pain, numbness and muscle weakness in the hands or feet
“Just remember there is value in having acupuncture done by a trained internal medicine physician,” Katzin says. “They understand both the intricacies of cancer and what acupuncture can provide.”
Addressing chronic pain in cancer survivors
Almost 35% of cancer survivors experience chronic pain (pain on most days) years after their treatments end. But one out of every two survivors is undertreated for that pain. A recent study shows that acupuncture may offer a solution.
The study involved cancer survivors suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain (pain in bones, joints, ligaments, tendons or muscles). Participants found more pain relief from acupuncture than from their usual care. The two types of acupuncture studied include:
Electroacupuncture: Needles are inserted at the point of pain, connected to a mild electric current, and left in place for 30 minutes
Auricular acupuncture: Small needles are inserted into the ears and remain in place for three to four days
“Acupuncture can be beneficial for patients even after they finish treatment,” Katzin says. “The response is individual, but only a very small percentage of people have no response at all.”